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Home remedies for getting a relief from Conjunctivitis

In this blog we will read  “Home remedies for getting a relief from Conjunctivitis”

What is Conjunctivitis?

An eye condition known as conjunctivitis (pink eye) occurs when the transparent membrane covering your eyelid and eyeball becomes inflamed or infected. The conjunctiva of the eyes is made up of small blood vessels that become more visible when inflamed. This is why the white of your eyes appears pink or reddish when inflamed. Normally there are numerous ways that one can get infected with conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis can affect both eyes or only one eye. Due to severe pain in the eyes, we tend to scratch vigorously which causes swelling.

How do you get conjunctivitis?

It is caused by,

Conjunctivitis caused by some bacteria and viruses is easily transmitted from person to person, although it is not a major health risk if diagnosed and treated promptly. It occurs both in adults and newborns. However, if it occurs in a newborn, notify a doctor right away, as it could be an infection that threatens the baby’s vision.

How long does Conjunctivitis last?

Conjunctivitis caused by viruses and bacteria can persist for up to two weeks (depending on the severity of the disease and symptoms). Normally allergic conjunctivitis lasts for 24 hours, unless and until you continue to be in contact with the allergen.

How do you know it is a Pink Eye?

In common there are a few symptoms that help to identify it, maybe as a pink eye. You might have a pink eye if:

How to prevent Conjunctivitis?

Hand washing is the most effective approach to prevent the transmission of contagious conjunctivitis. Infected people should also avoid close contact with others.

Other preventive measures include:

Home Remedies for Conjunctivitis

Splash of Coldwater  

Mild irritants such as shampoo, food, or perfume sprays that come in contact with the eyes elevate the discomfort. To relieve the discomfort, rinse your eyes underwater. Take a splash of running cold water on your face, especially your eyes. This advice will assist you in correctly opening the closed infected eye and might serve as one of the greatest home remedies for conjunctivitis.

Warm Compress

A warm compress can assist if your eyes are sore, inflamed, or irritated. Warm compression might help soothe the symptoms of dry eye.

It is significant to note that, while warm compresses may provide temporary relief, they can’t cure the illness.

Here are some suggestions on how to make a warm compress:

Cold Compress

Similar to warm compresses, cold compresses don’t exactly treat eye infections. They can, however, alleviate the discomfort that some eye diseases cause and injuries to the eyes can be treated with cold compresses to minimize swelling.

How to make a cold compress?

Use lubricating eye drops

Artificial tears, which are available over-the-counter, may help alleviate discomfort. Some eye drops contain antihistamines which cause redness or other drugs that might be beneficial to those suffering from allergic conjunctivitis. According to the instructions on the medication, use it properly.

Saline Solution

This is one of the most effective home treatments for  conjunctivitis. It is simple to prepare a salt and water solution.

This treatment can be used multiple times during the day. After two days, throw away the water solution. This mixture aids in thorough eye rinsing.

Other compress

Herbal tea compress usually helps in reducing the irritation of conjunctivitis. As there are many herbal products that in association help in relieving conjunctivitis.

Chamomile Tea Bags Compress:

Chamomile, with its soothing and anti-inflammatory effects, can offer relief from this discomfort.

Precautions and Considerations:

While chamomile can be beneficial, it’s important to exercise caution to prevent any adverse reactions:

Green Tea Compress

The soothing properties of green tea can provide relief to irritated eyes. Applying green tea compresses can offer a gentle and calming effect on the eyes. 

Precautions and Considerations:

Avoid all Eye Makeup

Stay away from all types of eye makeup during the infection. It is necessary to maintain eye hygiene, these makeup products may aggravate the intensity of infection. It also enhances the chances of spreading the infection further. So steer clear of all your makeup products to protect your eyes from the contamination of pink eye.

Avoid contact lenses

If there is any bacterial or viral conjunctivitis diagnosed, the doctor may  recommend avoiding the use of contact lenses and replacing or using glasses to steer clear away from any infection.

Clean your belongings

A very basic and useful tip to get rid of conjunctivitis. As conjunctivitis is a contagious disease make sure to clean your items and from others to not touch them. It can easily spread to other of your family members.


These home remedies may give you quick relief and relieve it within its own time. However, it also comes with the precaution of using the ingredients as a home remedy. Taking the best care is essential and also spreading of the infection is mandatory. As your eyes are valuable, take utmost care of them. If the taken-home remedies don’t give you any results consult a medical professional immediately to take the following needed care.

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