Abolishing sexual abuse will enhance mental well-being

Sexual abuse may make a permanent change in the personality and behaviour of a person. 

In teenagers, sexual violence is directly linked with the faulty mental health. 

UCL researchers have concluded that among 17 years old girls, serious mental health issues may be dropped by 16.8% by eliminating sexual violence.

Whereas for boys ageing 17 years, this proportion is 8.4%.

It was recorded that an estimate of 1000 girls and 260 boys have reported unpleasant sexual approach.

The people who experienced sexual assault were more grave in severe psychological distress and self harm than the people who did not experience any sexual violence.

Researchers also compare the sexual assault and suicidal rates. It was found that 1 out of 10 girls and 1 out of 25 boys tried to commit suicide before age 17.

However, it could not be concluded if the suicide attempt was done before or after sexual assault. 

Also the authors could not investigate the mode of sexual assault whether it was online harassment or any other type.

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