Vaginal health has a deep impact on a woman's overall health.
There are various hormonal changes in a woman's body before she starts her month.
This may lead to irregular pH of vagina.
Due to this, you may experience an itchy vagina.
Yeast infectionBacterial infectionSTDs (Sexually Teansmitted Disease)Lack of hygieneDelay in tampons or pad removalPremenstrual dysphoric disorder
Itching in the clit and vulvaDry vaginaBad odour of the dischargeSwellingRashes
Wear clean, soft and light clothes.Eat healthy to regulate the hormonal cycle.Maintain hygiene in the private areas.Replace tampons with reusable and washable cotton pads.Do not use soap or scented products to clean your vagina.
Essential tip
If you do have sex with your partner, make sure you both maintain proper hygiene in your private parts.
Consult a medical expert in case you feel any discomfort.