Medically Reviewed by Dr. Shiva Khurana
In this blog, we will read “ Empowering Intimacy: Addressing Vaginal Laxity with Proven Solutions ”
The vagina of a woman grows and widens throughout time, particularly as she ages and gives birth. Many women may notice that their vagina is not as tight as it was following one or more vaginal births. One common health problem that many women experience is vaginal looseness, either in the inner vaginal canal or the outside genitalia. The vagina feels loose, or lax.
Table of Contents
What is Vaginal Laxity?
The loosening of the vaginal tissues is known as vaginal laxity. Either the external genitalia, the vaginal canal, or both may be affected by the looseness. Looseness inside the vaginal canal can affect your sex life, whilst looseness in the outside genitalia can cause problems with clothes.
Many women experience difficulty wearing tight or thin clothing due to vaginal laxity in their labia, or outer genitalia. Because of the tightness, the loose tissues may twist, causing extreme discomfort or even pain. They may appear strange when worn with thin or skimpy apparel.
Women who have loose internal vaginal tissues may experience decreased sensitivity, which could impact their sexual lives. They might not experience the same amount of friction as previously, which can affect them in multiple ways.
What are the causes of Vaginal Laxity?
Some of the common causes of vaginal laxity are:
Our tissues lose collagen as we become older. The protein in our bodies called collagen gives the tissues under our skin their flexibility and firmness. The body will start to lose its firmness and become looser or less elastic as this collagen starts to diminish with age.
Over time, it may become loose as the vaginal tissues begin to lose this collagen. Each person experiences a distinct rate of collagen reduction. This explains why various women experience laxity in the vagina.
The birth canal’s vaginal tissues may sustain injury with vaginal delivery. Vaginal tissue might become supple and loose after giving birth to several infants or large newborns. Although some vaginal tightness may be restored with Kegel and pelvic floor exercises, the internal tissue damage may not significantly alter. The tissue in the birth canal cannot be benefited by exercise; only the muscles can.
A woman’s hormones begin to change as she gets older. The oestrogen fluctuations that occur as a woman approaches or enters menopause can result in vaginal dryness as well as wall weakening. It may even result in UTIs and urine incontinence, which may lessen the tightness in your vagina.
What are the Symptoms of Vaginal Laxity?
There may not be any outward signs because the internal tissues loosen. But in the event that vaginal laxity is present, you can observe the following:
- You can experience and feel less satisfied during or after sexual activity.
- Certain motions, like having sex or exercising, can cause you to release air from your vagina and make noises.
- Lack of lubrication can cause the vagina to feel dry.
- You can find it more difficult or require more time to orgasm due to decreased feeling.
How is Vaginal Laxity diagnosed?
A specific blood test or scan is not available to diagnose vaginal laxity. You should see your gynaecologist if you believe that your vagina is less sensitive or loose. Your physician will take notes, talk with you about the symptoms you are having, and perform a physical examination. Based on laxity, they will recommend programs.
Vaginal Laxity treatment
Today, with breakthroughs in science and technology, we may correct vaginal laxity with several invasive treatments that promise to make the vagina tighter and boost the sensation.
If you want to tighten the tissues in your vagina, you can choose non-invasive laser therapy. Various laser therapies are available at different centres. These are all quite similar in character and yield comparable outcomes.
The laser therapy will promote the creation of collagen and raise the temperature inside the vagina. Consequently, the vaginal tissues will produce more collagen as a result, making them tighter.
To tighten the vaginal structure and the surrounding organs, many women don’t hesitate to undergo procedures like labiaplasties, vaginoplasty, hymenoplasty, or perineoplasty.
You must allow your body to recuperate after any surgery. It may take around six weeks of bed rest following vaginal laxity surgery before you are able to begin pelvic floor exercises and sexual engagement.
How do Laser and Radiofrequency energy work?
Because laser and radiofrequency (RF) heat the tissues, more collagen is formed. While the technology for vaginal therapy is new, a study that examined the effects of radiofrequency (RF) treatment with surface cooling to protect the vaginal skin revealed that, when compared to a sham group, the treatment improved female sexual function and vaginal tightening.
An alternative to RF is laser energy. Compared to radiofrequency (RF), laser radiation heats the vaginal tissues more superficially. There are several lasers used for female vaginal rejuvenation.
Is nonsurgical vaginal tightening as effective as surgical methods?
The treatment does not substitute surgery, as is the case with most nonsurgical procedures. While RF and lasers tighten the skin by remodelling collagen, surgery closes the space created by the vaginal muscles’ separation. While RF and laser may not yield the same results, a surgical vaginoplasty entails surgical risks.
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Risks of RF and laser for vaginal treatment?
Vaginal discharge and possibly transient soreness related to early sexual activity are among the concerns that have been reported.
How often do nonsurgical treatments need to be repeated to maintain the result?
Six to twelve months after the first treatment, the majority of companies advise following a regimen based on retreatment. Lasers and radiofrequency are not thought to be permanent.
Do RF and laser treat anything else?
According to preliminary research, modest stress urine incontinence (SUI) may be treated using radiofrequency (RF) and laser radiation; however, surgery may be necessary for more severe leakage. Pregnancy and childbirth can cause strain on the pelvic floor muscles that support the urethra and bladder, which can lead to SUI. Leaking can also occur from a weak sphincter around the urethra. Coughing, laughing, or jumping might cause mild SUI. A urologist should assess more severe leaking.
RF and laser have been demonstrated to aid certain women who suffer dry vaginal lubrication loss in addition to treating mild SUI.
How is surgical vaginal tightening performed?
Depending on the technique, amount of work done, and procedure, most vaginal rejuvenation operations take one to two hours to complete. Surgical vaginal rejuvenation is typically performed in an outpatient setting while the patient is under general anaesthesia.
You’ll receive post-operative instructions from your surgeon along with a list of things that are off-limits (including having sex). You are permitted to use painkillers and cold packs to ease your suffering. You won’t feel any pain during the procedure because you’re asleep.
Be certain you are aware of the dangers and the course of therapy before giving your consent for any surgical operations. You must adhere to the post-operative recommendations to avoid infection and harm, just like any surgery.
Side Effects of Vaginal Laxity
Similar to any surgical operation, vaginal tightening may have mild to severe adverse effects, depending on various factors.
The following are the side effects:
Pain and Discomfort
Following the procedure, you can feel some pain, but this usually goes away in a few days. Pain is typically treated with prescription medications.
Bruising and Swelling
Common side effects following surgery include bruising and swelling in the surgical site. They will eventually diminish over the next few weeks.
After surgery, there may be some minor bleeding, but this should stop in a few days. Even though excessive bleeding is uncommon, it needs to be treated very quickly.
Following any operation, there is always a small chance of infection, even with clean surroundings and antibiotic administration. Pus from the surgery site, fever, and ongoing pain are among the symptoms.
Sensational Changes
Some women may go through periods of enhanced sensitivity or numbness, although they normally go away with time.
So, vaginal laxity is a condition in which the vaginal wall gets loosened or stretched, especially after childbirth. This can be treated by various surgical and non-surgical methods in which surgical methods include vaginoplasty etc and non-surgical methods include laser and RF therapy but all of them come with their risks and benefits, so choose your goods wisely.
Note: All the information given here is purely for informational purposes and everything should be decided with the consent of a suitable doctor.
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